From all of that facts, Le Corbusier realized the truth about this and decided to reduce that gap and put an end to the situation. By solving this, Corbusier's architectures mainly designed to serve middle class people for example the radiant city and the domino house.
The domino house is one of the most successful and well-known works from Le Corbusier. After the World War II where the whole city was destroyed and millions of homeless laying all over, the domino house design was created as it is very easy to build, requires less materials, as well as livable.
Similarly, Frank Lloyd Wright also concerned on the fact that architecture rather focus more on the majority, workers, than groups of high-class people. During this era where machine came in play, instead of paying attention on man-made ornaments, Wright chose to emphasize simply machine made to his structures which the form, itself, becomes ornamentation. In his attempt to mediate between human and machine elements, the Robie house well illustrates his idea.
Seeing from the exterior of the house, Frank Lloyd Wright continue his concept by merging nature, from greenery lawn, to the machine, the house itself. Reducing gap between interior and exterior was another important factors that Wright took in account. With nature beautifully surrounded the house, many windows were placed on the structure's facade for people to both experience the machine and nature at the same time when living inside the house. On the second photo of the house, furnitures are, designed with a perfect angle perpendicular to each other and straight lines on every edges, they simply represent not a man-made elements, of course. By using machine-made elements in both structure and furniture, Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier definitely share similar ideal towards architecture which we now defined as 'modern architecture'